El Camino: People Along the Way

April 6, 2024 - Rochegude, France

Meeting a Long Lost Friend

Chapel of Rochegude and the remains of the chateau - the view and wind whipping through my hair, complete awe.

So today I did not finish the entire route. But it was OK because I met the most extraordinary woman who is also an artist.

Vincian is a photographer, who explores the beautiful environment that surrounds her home. She calls her work Photographe d'Âme Nature & Géobiologue. We sat, had tea, and chatted for 2 hours in her little gallery/studio. All I can say is that there are times in your life when you meet someone that you immediately know. There is complete comfort in their presence. I always feel so blessed when this happens. It always inspires me to be myself, to be creative, and to be open. Our conversation ranged from inspirational journeys, spiritual awareness and life philosophy and how all three have influenced our work as artists. Afterwards I walked 100 ft out her door, up the hill to the Chapel of Rochegude and the remains of the chateau. The view and wind whipping through my hair was complete awe. 

Pushing Too Hard

Down Down Down Down into the gorge afterwards was challenging. Slipping on loose rocks and landing on my butt was oh so pleasant. The beauty of my route made up for the colorful bruise beginning on my left cheek. Lots of blues and purples. Always the artist looking for new and interesting colors. Because of my fall, I knew that my legs needed more rest. I began to realize the 12 mile day was too much for day 3. And when you come down you always go up. And there was a-lot of UP UP UP before I got to Saugues. And when you have a need, The Camino provides.

I was sitting on the steps of the closed town hall trying to find a taxi. (It’s not as easy as it sounds.) I look up and around the building walks a man. He was a very nice Belgium who was meeting his wife. She was coming down the same route I had just completed. We exchanged pleasantries and discussed the route down into the gorge. After calling his wife he offered to take me to Saugues. So off I went with Reggie and his zippy little car. He was a very gracious man and would not let accept gas money. 😳 Who does that?? There are good people in this world.

After getting settled in Saugues later that night my new friends did not walk into Saugues until 7pm. Take into account that morning they left 1 hour before me. I am learning it is good to listen to your body. The beauty of this whole experience is I’m still on The Camino. I’m still traveling.


El Camino: Walking Alone


El Camino: Days 1-4 on the Trail