A Study in Color

Light is Magic

I love color. Especially the Dawn and Dusk of our mountains. The Smokey blues touched with a bit of lavender because of the sweet kiss of the reds. That giant orb we call the sun contains the entire color spectrum and you never know what the Dawn (or Dusk) may bring. That combined with a forest that naturally releases particles into the air and reacts with those light waves. This is why our Blue Ridge Mountains are blue.

I guess this is why I love to paint. In the morning when I wake up there is always something to look forward to. Each morning is a surprise. What beauty in the sky will be shared today? Each morning the light is different. The efficacy of each brilliant color. Even if those colors are soft there is still a brilliance to them. It is a hard concept to explain with words. I guess that is one of the reasons I have loved playing with watercolor and attempting to capture that one moment in time that will never come again.

In the morning when I wake up there is always something to look forward to.

Each morning is a surprise.

These colors, their movement in the sky, and how quickly they appear and disappear are just magic to me. Even though I know these colors aren’t alive they seem to have been given life when playing in the sky. If you look away for an instant, some colors will become shy, blending in with the whole. I could go on for several more paragraphs about that conceptualization but I’ll keep it short today.

As you will see from the last set of pics, I need to work on my lavenders and pinks. The morning dawn pics are of what I see every morning when I wake up. I just have to look out my bedroom window. Which is helpful considering some mornings I can’t get out of bed. I hope you all are blessed with morning light even if you have to stand on your tiptoes, walk around your home in your slippers, race upstairs to the roof, or find a picture on the web. Feel free to borrow mine. Or if you want a more professional look try these. Everyone deserves a bit of morning light and the hope it brings.


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