El Camino: Cold & Tired

April 10, 2024 - Saint Alban, France

Ugh, Yeah.

Yep. I walked into Saint Alban  and was done. Hence why I got a taxi to my hotel in Aumont Aubrac.

I’ve had two cafe lattes and I’m still cold. It feels like the cold slowly crept into my bones, and just now made its self known.

Hot shower after lunch.

April 15, 2024 - Somewhere on the Camino

Day 12 of Travel

Did not walk yesterday and took the bus. I’m hurting and my knee is not happy. I have a 15 mile day today. I’ve got my Don’t Talk to Me Warrior Woman face on. I had to reach out to my people for reinforcements and encouragement.

I am sitting at this outdoor cafe. It is run out of the kitchen of a woman who has a house right off the trail. Firmly planted in a plastic chair under tarps with my exhausted legs stretched out. French folks surround me. It is very obvious I am “The American”. As soon as I saw the GIFs I started laughing so loud everyone stopped and turned to look at me with the Look. Uhh Loud America. My Switzerland friends laughed with me. Lol. 

Thank you Nicole!! I needed that!!


El Camino: New Friends


El Camino: Walking Alone